I never really wanted to homeschool...

When my son was 4 years old, I started getting that feeling that I needed to homeschool.   (You know what I mean!)  

I felt like I was way to disorganized, didn’t want to fail this amazing kid, and quite frankly homeschoolers were just weird. 

Now, 20+ years and 7 kids later, we love homeschooling and I wouldn’t have it any other way!   

I was a miserable, stressed out mess... What changed?

After 2 years of planning, I finally took the leap of faith and started homeschooling.  And it was ROUGH.   
I was ready to throw in the towel after just a few weeks.  

I had all these grand plans because I was not about to fail this wonderful child of mine.  But for some reason he didn’t want to do all the curriculum I thought he needed to do.  Power struggles and both of us reduced to tears every day. 

I knew something had to change.

I tried changing curriculum. 

I tried changing routines.  

And in the meantime, the house was falling apart.

The preschooler was getting ignored.

 I KNEW I was supposed to be homeschooling, but there was that part of me that thought maybe I really wasn’t out for this, like I had feared before beginning.

What changed?  I listened to my intuition. 

I fought against this thought (just like I had with the idea of homeschooling.)  But after a few months, I decided I needed to try and it really helped make things better! 

Years later I realized that I had been so tied to the expectations of others, of experts, that I couldn’t hear what was right my family.   I didn’t trust myself to know what was best for my family, and I let all the checklists and curricula rule our lives. 

As I gradually learned to trust, even when it made NO sense.  I started making progress.  I found more systems and patterns that could help.

I learned about the hero journey and I realized that I could use that as a framework in our homeschool and it would make our homeschool path so much more predictable!  

Now I love to teach other moms about how to do this in their homes and homeschools!

A few fun facts about Molly!

I LOVE learning!  I read 50+ books a year between read alouds,  audiobooks and “snatch” times.  I also do 5-10 online courses a year and I’m a trained life coach!

My dad was an international pilot so we traveled the world.  My husband had been on an airplane once.  Let’s just say I resolved to fix that! 

I love the outdoors!  We belong to a nature group, I am an excellent down hill skiier and I enjoy going on adventures in my beautiful state of Utah.

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