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This will be updated for the Hero Journey Membership

Create new habits

...even if you've struggled being consistent before

More power in your life

...Actually do the things that add power to your life

Peace and Confidence

...Feel encouraged that you CAN do this

Make this the year you FINALLY get consistent!

Even if you’ve tried and failed before, you’ve never done it this way before! 

Praise for The POWER! Program

The mood in my home has changed. My children started doing more without being asked and fighting less. I became the mom and homeschool teacher I have always wanted to be. My house is cleaner and I have more freedom to pursue my dreams and passions, all the while setting that example for my children to follow."
Homeschool mom
This program has given me so much hope and can't we all use a lot more of that in this world? Working through the goals I've set within the Power Program, learning from an inspiring mentor, and being cheered on by my team has been such a HUGE blessing in my life! I feel like I can really accomplish anything I set my mind to now!
Homeschool mom
"I did the Power Program and I was blown away. I knew I needed more discipline to achieve the vision I had for my homeschool.  I’ve learned so much and I love it!!!! Thank you!" 
Homeschool mom of 4

Shorten the learning curve.

When you have a road map and a guide, you can get to where you want to be a lot faster! 

Get the 3 Secrets to a Successful Homeschool Guide today and begin your journey to a peaceful, confident homeschool!