The Hero Journey Explained

Building Heroes at Home is based on idea that the hero journey is the pattern of our lives.  We were meant to grow and learn on this earth to become the person we were meant to be, to choose to go on the less comfortable path of a hero.   

A hero is someone who:

The Hero Journey

When you understand the pattern of the hero journey, you can apply it to your own life, and teach your children to do the same.  Once you learn the hero journey pattern, you will see it everywhere in book, movies and in your own life.  Your whole life is a hero journey, but you also have many smaller hero journeys every year, month and even day.
  • Ordinary. It starts with a seemingly ordinary person, unaware he has great power to make a change.
  • A Call to Action. Something changes, and the hero realizes that he has a choice to make. The action involves doing something hard, that will change him and help others.
  • Refusal. The hero feels fear. He doesn’t feel like he can accomplish the task at hand.
  • Commitment. The hero leaves the comfort zone and commits to acting on the call, even though it’s unknown and he doesn’t know how.
  • The Journey. The hero finds a mentor or mentors – someone who has been there before, who believes in the hero and helps the hero find the answers he needs. Along the way, the hero hits roadblocks in the form of temptations, tests and traps. He also finds allies in other people who have similar calls to action who can help him overcome.
  • Grand Trial. Near the end of the journey, the hero faces his greatest fear, or even death. The hero wants to give up, it looks impossible to complete the mission. But success is just around the corner.
  • The Reward. the hero is able to push through the challenge and find success. He has not only changed the world around, but changed himself.

Recognize the Pattern

When we recognize this pattern in our own lives, it makes the journey more fun and do-able.  On the hero journey, we all have mentors and allies as well as tests, traps and trials.  We can see that if we just keep pushing through all the hard things, eventually success will come. We are all on this journey whether we like it or not, whether we know it or not.

As you teach your child to apply the hero journey in his daily life, he will see that he does indeed have greatness inside.  He’ll learn that he has a grand purpose in life.  He’ll know who he is and why he is here.  This is what Building Heroes at Home is all about.  And as you learn this in your life, you too will know who you are and why you are here.  Powerful stuff!

To learn more about the hero journey, click on the button below.  

Molly Christensen

Molly Christensen

Molly Christensen is a joyful mother of 7 amazing children. She has founded multiple homeschool co-ops, written mounds of curriculum, taught classes to youth & adults. She loves teaching others a principle based method to educate and raise leaders in your home. She is passionate about sharing her love of learning and encouraging others on their journeys to greatness!

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